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Thanks to all of you…

Congratulations to all our 2022 graduates. We closed off the year with another group going out into the world to make a difference. Some will be doing their internship at our MORE Family Collection lodges. We loved this feedback from one of our students, Julius, who joined us from Germany.

“I just wanted to say thank you for the past six months and the opportunity to stay at MORE Field Guide College.  It was a very nice experience, with so much fun all the time. I met incredible people and learnt so much, and I made friends for life so thank you very much for that. I also learned so much about the bush and about animals that I hadn’t heard the name before like a duiker and now I know there are 22 species of duiker with the blue duiker by far the smallest. Yeah, it was a great time I had, and I will definitely come back to visit the college again and I will tell my friends about it. I hope I see you again. Thank you very much.”

Thank you to all who joined us. It is our privilege to watch the growth in knowledge of our students and we feel proud of everyone who has applied themselves so diligently and with such obvious passion for the environment.

We are looking forward to all that 2023 brings and wish everyone a fantastic year. May all your career dreams come true.
