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Hospitality The MORE Way

The word hospitality has a lot of meanings, but if one looks at the MORE brand, they are a perfect example of it. MORE is a company that is extremely friendly and generous to people that come from all over the world. They love entertaining people and offer exceptional service to guests visiting the MORE lodges.

On 21 May 2018, we all were back at the college after a week-long break and we were excited to start with the hospitality course. The gentleman that presented the course was Mr Pieter Joubert. The morning started off with music playing in the lecture room and the room was also decorated with photos and colourful items. A bit different to see the lecture room in a weird, but a pretty way. We did some dancing and fun activities, to begin with, and then concentrated more on the serious part of the course.


There were a couple of presentations Pieter showed us and that helped us to have a better understanding of what the hospitality industry and the MORE brand is all about. After most of the serious work was done, Pieter taught us how to set a dinner table for guests and more about bar work. We were divided into 3 groups and we had to make 3 types of cocktails. Our group, The Blood Brothers Of The Matlabas, won the cocktail division but not the whole competition. I really enjoyed myself during the challenge and it was great fun.

The next day we were tasked with a big assignment. We had to provide a service and cook for eleven guests coming to visit the college. There was a lot of work and creativity put into the setup for the dinner night. The night was a huge success and all of the guests loved the experience.

I’ve gained much more knowledge about the hospitality industry and the values of the MORE company. To me, hospitality is all about delivering exceptional service to guests and keeping the MORE brand high.

Words by: Mauritz Robberts
